- About us
- Get involved with us
- Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet
- History of Streptomyces research at the John Innes Centre
- Life on the Norwich Research Park
- Next Generation Infrastructure
- Our funding, Annual Reports and accounts
- Our mission
- Our mission and history
- Our people
- Our position on…
- Our Science
- Our successes
- Sustainability
- The history of plant science and microbial science at the John Innes Centre
- Accessible website design
- Advances
- BRIGIT databases and resources
- BRIGIT final meeting – Day 1 Agenda
- BRIGIT final meeting – Day 2 Agenda
- BRIGIT Final Meeting; Pre-recorded Talks
- BRIGIT project partners
- BRIGIT research areas
- Citizen science to fight the threat of Xylella
- Final BRIGIT meeting
- UK insect vectors of Xylella
- What is Xylella fastidiosa?
- Xylella Awareness Week
- Careers & Study
- Career pathways
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Postgraduate Opportunities
- About Postgraduate Research
- Contact the Graduate School Office
- Contact the Postgrad Research team
- Current Postgraduate Opportunities
- How to apply for Postgraduate Research
- International Scholarships
- Janaki Ammal Scholarships
- John Innes Foundation Rotation PhD Programme
- Norwich Research Park Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership
- Plant Genetics and Crop Improvement (MSc)
- Self and externally funded PhDs
- Student life
- Summer Schools
- Work Experience
- Find my Future
- Women of the Future 2021
- Women of the Future video directory
- Anthropology in action
- Big study of tiny things
- Biochemical helps and hazards
- Clinical DJ
- Developmental biology
- Experiences of COVID-19 patients
- Exploring food and health; Part 2
- Exploring food and heath; Part 1
- Finding pharmacy
- First in the family
- From arts to medicine
- How do plants attract pollinators, and ensure their pollen gets to the correct species?
- Improving healthcare
- Leading international engineers
- Learning to love plants
- Maths in the field
- Medical device design
- Meerkats and Microbes: Becoming a Professor of Evolutionary Biology
- Not just a bird brain
- Producing proteins in plants
- Safely supplying gas
- Seabed computer power
- Studying biomiedicine
- The power of weeds
- Top scorer
- Undersea robots
- Understanding sick plants
- Wildlife biology
- Woman and machine in harmony
- Year 10 Science Camp
- Find my Future
- Working at the John Innes Centre
- Contact us
- CRISPR/CAS9 Participant Registration Privacy Notice
- Current DTP Projects
- Homepage
- International
- International Undergraduate Summer School: FAQs
- Lars career
- News & Events
- People
- Privacy Policy
- Research & Impact
- 100 trillion miracles
- Aniline blue staining of quanatification of plasmodesmal callose
- Aphids
- Ashes from ashes
- Balk lab alumni
- Biosynthesis of natural products
- Blood Oranges
- Borrill Lab alumni
- Brassica flowering and vernalization
- Calcium signalling
- Cathie Martin lab field trips
- Cell size control
- Coen lab alumni
- Commercial and societal impact
- Computational modelling
- Cristobal Uauy lab alumni
- Dean lab alumni
- Dean lab social life
- Disease resistance
- Epigenetic memory systems
- Epigenetic switching
- ERC MEXTIM Project
- Euglena
- Evolution of protein-DNA interfaces
- FAQs: Planned field trial of CRISPR-Cas9 Gene-edited Brassica oleracea
- FAQs: Planned field trial of high-iron wheat
- Field experiments on vernalization
- Genome-led discovery of new natural products
- Genomic enabled technologies
- Germplasm Resource Unit (GRU)
- Heavy metal transporters
- Hogenhout lab alumni
- How are physical characteristics determined in crops with polyploid genomes?
- How do pathogens exploit plasmodesmata during infection?
- How do plasmodesmata open and close?
- How does Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) protein interactions with DNA to organise bacterial chromosomes?
- How does the centromere-binding protein ParB interact with DNA to recruit Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes?
- Howard lab alumni
- Improving crop quality
- Increasing yields
- IND1 / NUBPL in complex I assembly and disease
- Iron in plants for human nutrition
- Iron transport in the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis
- Iron-sulfur cluster assembly in plants
- Landing lights for bees
- Martin lab alumni
- Maxwell lab alumni
- Miller lab alumni
- Molecular analysis of FLC CIS variation
- Natural products
- Natural variation
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Nitrogen use efficiency
- Nornex – Tackling Ash dieback
- Nuclear organisation
- Our Strategic Research Programmes
- Advancing Plant Health (APH)
- Bioengineering to Produce valuable Bioactive Molecules from Nature
- Building Robustness in Crops (BRiC)
- About Building Robustness in Crops (BRiC)
- Case Studies & Impacts (BRiC)
- Brassica Rapeseed and Vegetable Optimisation (BRAVO)
- Characterising Floral Scent in Oilseed Rape to Improve Crop Pollination and Yield
- Collaboration Delivers Yield Benefits and Nutritional Rewards for Crop Productivity in Vertical Farms
- Collaborative Research Provides a New Source of Vitamin B12
- Computer software to investigate the mechanisms of plant development
- Developing Climate Resilient Oilseed Rape
- Discoveries Deliver New Models to Explain the Diversity in Leaf Shape
- Fast Growing Broccoli
- Identifying and developing Oilseed Rape varieties which deter Cabbage stem flea beetle
- Improving grain size and shape in wheat
- Improving oil yields in oilseed crops
- Improving research infrastructure in the Yangtze River Basin
- Informing the debate on modern plant breeding
- MAGIC : Developing a Community Resource for Oilseed Rape
- Reducing seed loss in oilseed rape
- SAW (Science, Art and Writing) Trust: Innovative Science Education for Primary Schools and Beyond
- Tackling Virus Yellows Disease in Sugar Beet
- People in Building Robustness in Crops (BRiC)
- Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW)
- Harnessing Biosynthesis for Sustainable Food and Health (HBio)
- About Harnessing Biosynthesis for Sustainable Food and Health (HBio)
- Case Studies & Impact (HBio)
- Antimicrobial Resistance: putting another brick in the wall
- Discovering and understanding pest and pathogen defence-related molecules in wheat
- Industrial Feedstocks and Catalysts
- Molecular Pharming
- New agricultural chemicals and interventions
- Nitrogen Sensors for Optimising Crop Growth and Fertiliser Application
- Nutritious Food
- Peas
- The history of pea research at the John Innes Centre
- ‘Stay-green’ genes
- Cancer fighting pea proteins
- Celebrating 150 years of Mendelian genetics
- Giant pea pods and germplasm
- Gregor Mendel: the ‘father of genetics’
- John Innes pea research begins: the Bateson years
- Neoplastic pea pods
- Pea grand designs: changing pea plant architecture
- Pea seed products helping defeat diabetes
- Pea starch: an alternative material to plastic?
- Super-sweet pea seeds
- The mystery of the rabbit-eared rogues
- The problem with pea lipoxygenases
- Unlocking Mendel’s white and purple pea flowers
- Unravelling the riddle of round and wrinkled pea seeds
- War and peas
- Women scientists and early pea research
- ‘Super-pea’ to improve protein digestion
- The history of pea research at the John Innes Centre
- Plants as factories
- Understanding how plants make starch
- People in Harnessing Biosynthesis for Sustainable Food and Health (HBio)
- Improving the nutritional value and sustainability of crops by targeting metabolic traits
- Previous ISPs (2017 – 2023)
- Research Areas (HBio)
- Particle bombardment of Arabidopsis leaves
- Phytoplasma
- Popular Science Writing
- Publications
- Pulse Crop Genetic Improvement Network (PCGIN)
- Purple tomatoes
- Quantitative Plant Biology
- Quantitative regulation of FLC expression
- Recording slug sightings
- Recovery of Ash in East Anglia
- Regulation of iron uptake by hemerythrin ubiquitin ligases
- Research Groups
- Scientific Facilities
- Seung lab
- Seung lab life
- Spatiotemporal protein dynamics
- Technology and Research Platforms
- Bioimaging and microscopy
- Biophysical Analysis
- Chemistry
- Crop Transformation (Brassica)
- Crop Transformation (Wheat)
- Entomology and Insectary
- Field Trials at Church Farm
- Genotyping and DNA Extractions
- Horticultural Services
- Informatics
- Metabolomics
- Molecular Genetics
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Proteomics
- Scientific Databases
- Structural Biology
- Transient plant expression for access to high value molecules
- Understanding the role of natural products in nature
- Virology research timeline
- Which genes control wheat grain nutrient content?
- Whiteflies
- Why do cells communicate during immune responses?
- Wilkinson lab alumni
- Østergaard lab alumni
- Search Results
- Sitemap
- Support Us
- WISH-ROOTS; Wheat roots in soil health