BRIGIT databases and resources
BRIGIT will use genomic data, information about populations, citizen science and outreach activities to increase awareness and build understanding of Xylella.
The project aims to understand the potential impacts and modes of spread, and generates knowledge of insect vector distribution and dispersal patterns, and works to model Xylella dispersal, if the bacterium were introduced into the UK.
This builds on knowledge and databases established by the University of Sussex and National Museum Wales, and an existing community of entomologists.
We aim to build collaborative relationships with researchers in other countries, for example with scientists in the EU-funded projects POnTE, XF-ACTORS and CURE-XF which are working to raise awareness of Xylella fastidiosa, minimise the risk of its introduction, and improve early detection and control.
Resources and databases will be accessible online for inspectors, trade bodies, nursery owners, farmers and government bodies to access.
- Follow BRIGIT news through #brigitxylella on Twitter
Symptoms induced by Xylella in plants
- Royal Horticultural Society – Information on identification of the most common host plants and symptoms caused by Xylella, see links under “high risks plants”
BRIGIT events
- Final BRIGIT meeting – 27-28 September 2021
- Xylella Awareness Week – 2-5 March 2021
- New Xylella Data for UK Risk Assessment and Policy – 16 December 2020
- Development and implementation of diagnostic tools for Xylella – 2 December 2020
Information about Xylella insect vectors in the UK
- The BRIGIT song on Spittlebugs
- List of all potential UK insect vector species of Xylella with a brief description of UK-wide distribution, plant host ranges and links to photos of these insects
- More detailed information about all the Xylella insect vector species , including identification photographs and distribution maps via downloadable pdf format information sheets
- How to identify insect vector nymphs in spittle
- Sharpshooter Leafhoppers of the World – includes species that are important vectors of Xylella fastidiosa
- An accessible guide to the leafhopper, planthopper and froghopper vectors of phytoplasma, bacteria and virus diseases
- SapFeederHub – Genome sequence and gene and protein annotations of sap-feeding insect species
- Insect Vector Database Links (by Species)
How to get involved in identification and collection of Xylella insect vectors in the UK
- Participate in the survey for collecting and identifying froghopper and leafhopper vectors
- Collection techniques to catch Xylella insect vectors
- Find out where the Xylella insect vectors and related (non-vector) insects are located in the UK