Funding for careers in STEM
There are a number of different funding streams available for careers in STEM
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship – Royal Society
This Royal Society Fellowship is advertised annually and aims to provide outstanding early career scientists with a recognised step into a research career.
It is open to anyone who requires a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health issues.
- For details of the Fellowship and how to apply, visit the Royal Society website
Rosalind Franklin Award – Royal Society
The Royal Society’s Rosalind Franklin Award is made to an individual for an outstanding contribution to any area of natural science, engineering or technology.
While open to all genders, the recipient of the award is expected to spend a proportion of the grant on implementing a project to raise the profile of women in STEMM in their institution and/or field of expertise.
- To find out more, visit the Royal Society website
Daphne Jackson Trust
The Daphne Jackson Trust is an independent charity which offers flexible, part-time, paid fellowships to scientists, engineers and technologists who have taken a career break of two or more years for family, caring or health reasons. This Fellowship is open to all genders
- For more details, visit the Daphne Jackson Trust website
Janet Thornton Fellowship
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute offers a postdoctoral fellowship; the Janet Thornton Fellowship, designed to help scientists to return to scientific research after a career break of 12 months or more, for any reason.
One fellowship will be awarded each year after a competitive selection process with applications linked to specific projects defined by Faculty members.
Fellowships are for three years and can be worked full time, part time or flexibly.
- For further information, visit the Sanger Institute Janet Thornton Fellowship page
Career Re-entry Fellowships – Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust offers Career Re-entry Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers in basic biomedical science who have recently decided to recommence a scientific research career after a continuous break of at least two years.
The fellowship is particularly suitable for applicants wishing to return to research after a break for family commitments.
- For more details, visit the Wellcome Trust website