Scientific Integrity Statement
We have a responsibility to ensure that the funds it disperses are properly spent, in accordance with the law, funder requirements and in the public interest. Researchers have a duty to their profession, to the John Innes Centre and to research funders, to conduct their research according to best scientific practice and the highest professional standards.
We expect all researchers, be they staff, students or visitors, to abide by national, European and international professional standards of research integrity. This includes:
Honesty and fairness in:
- Reporting on research methods and procedures
- Presentation of research goals, intentions and findings
- Gathering data
- Conveying valid interpretations and making justifiable claims based on research findings
- Use and acknowledgement of the work of other researchers
Accuracy and rigour in:
- Conducting research and using appropriate methods
- Adhering to an agreed protocol where appropriate
- Record keeping of primary data
- Drawing interpretations and conclusions from the research
- Communicating the results and clarifying what conclusions are based on
Openness and Transparency in:
- Making research findings widely available, including sharing negative results as appropriate
- Presenting the work to other researchers and to the general public
- Declaring conflicts of interest beyond their own scientific integrity
- The reporting of research data collection methods
- The analysis and interpretation of data
- Accountability for actions
Independence in:
- Conducting research in keeping with academic freedom, regardless of funder of the research
Respect for:
- The independence of other colleagues and team members
- All participants in and subjects of research, including humans, animals, the environment and cultural objects
- The stewardship of research and scholarship for future generations
Cooperation and collegiality in scientific interactions
Our researchers are supported to uphold these core principles through the institute’s positive action to:
- Provide clear policies and procedures, and where necessary, training and guidance on research integrity
- Undertake a regular internal oversight process
- Ensure there are suitable mechanisms for reviewing ethical issues raised by research
- Use transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct
- Reasonably defend researchers who abide by high standards, and any individual who reports misconduct