Science Communication
In its broadest sense, science communication is communicating science to a non-expert “audience”. This could be a member of the public, or a Member of Parliament.
When we talk about science communication we often lump together all the STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine) subjects for ease. Most of the activities, techniques and research, into the practice of science communication and engagement apply across the STEMM subjects – science communication is a catch all term.
Here at the John Innes Centre, we have a small team dedicated to science communication and engagement. We work to make sure that the research done here reaches the right people, plus we work to enable others in the organisation to communicate efficiently and effectively.
We strive to clearly explain the science and its impact, making it interesting, accessible, stimulating and thought provoking.
We communicate our science and its impact in a variety of ways, from written words, like a news article or feature. Or we may use spoken words, images and graphics including videos, animations, photos, illustrations or events to convey that same information.
- Advances magazine
- Press and the media – If you have an out of hours press enquiry please call Felicity on 07881255193.
- Website
- Social media
- Video production
- Public engagement events including science festivals
- School liaison
- Alumni network
- Open days and site visits