Securing the future of food and health

Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet aims to deliver solutions to global challenges and secure a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future, through the power of plant and microbial science.

We must rapidly address the critical challenges facing society and the planet.

We are at an exciting crossroads in our history. Together the John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory are building the very best plant and microbial science laboratory infrastructure anywhere in the world, which will bring together the interdisciplinary teams required to deliver the solutions to the global challenges of feeding the world, climate change and improving global health.

Together with our funding partners, we are investing in the future to transform our existing capabilities and develop a net zero carbon laboratory, and create a ground-breaking research and innovation hub to supercharge our global ability to translate scientific knowledge into practical solutions. We will be sharing our knowledge, facilities, networks and experience with others nationally and internationally.

Your philanthropic support is needed to fully realise the Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet (HP3) vision

Your philanthropic partnership is required to fully realise the potential of our ambitious HP3 vision. There is anchor funding in place to start work on the hub, including a significant grant pledge from the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Infrastructure Fund and £51 million in commitments from partner organisations and charities.

JIC and TSL are now launching a £35 million fundraising campaign to complete delivery of our ambitious vision. State of the art facilities, including a laboratory, Germplasm Resources Unit (housing seed collections), glasshouses, Controlled Environment Rooms (CERs), bioimaging, and a high-tech data centre, all require philanthropic support. In addition, we need to offer competitive packages to attract top talent from around the world to our campus.

If you would like to discuss areas of mutually beneficial interest, please contact:

Angela Bowen, Director of Development. , +44 (0) 7714 051 310