Open-source, free to use image library for genome-editing and genetic modification

Are you looking for clear, accurate images to bring your content on genome-editing and genetic modification to life?

The John Innes Centre has launched an open-source image library for journalists, writers and picture editors seeking to illustrate content on these important technologies and their use in plants.

The images are of research at the John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich. The new library provides free to use, high quality images representing the cutting-edge research of genome editing and genetic modification in the laboratory, field trials and glasshouses.

The images illustrate the techniques and the innovative crop traits that these genetic tools can deliver, including high-iron wheat, blight-resistant potatoes and tomatoes rich in healthy anthocyanins to illustrate your news articles, blogs, and film content.

At a time of unprecedented climate challenge, we believe that these technologies are vital tools that we can use towards more sustainable food production creating healthier plants, healthier people, and a healthier planet.

One example featured in the library is a research project that is aiming to develop “high-iron wheat”. Wheat is a staple crop around the globe, and this project aims to address the persistent problem of iron deficiency, or anaemia, a significant global health problem with women and girls particularly affected.

The wheat plants which have been genetically modified (not genome-edited) are currently undergoing field trials, and contain two extra sequences of DNA, also from wheat, that cause an accumulation of iron.

Defra are currently considering how to regulate genetic technologies, following this any changes in legislation are expected progress rapidly, so it is a crucial time to increase public awareness of these technologies. The image library hopes to promote a more informed dialogue on these groundbreaking technologies. These images, taken from research settings are free to use and easily downloaded.

For more images featuring the world-leading research of the John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory visit the Norwich Research Park Image Library.

The image at the top of the page shows GM tomatoes with high levels of health-protective pigments and was taken by our Scientific Photography team.

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