Teacher Scientist Network (TSN)

The Teacher Scientist Network (TSN) was established in 1994 to link the education and science communities in Norfolk.
It was the result of a collaboration between then Professor of Cell Biology at the John Innes Centre, Professor Keith Roberts and Frank Chennell, Local Education Adviser at Norfolk County Council, based on a successful model seen operating in San Francisco by Keith.
Incorporated as a charitable company in 2002, TSN remains true to our founding principles as a bottom-up organisation addressing teacher need and are recognised as an exemplar of best practice by the Research Councils and then Department for Education as the most effective way for science and education to work together. We work across all age groups (5 to 18 years) supporting science in the broadest sense.
Initially funded by the Gatsby Charitable Trust, we rely primarily on grant income and consultancy contracts with only small charges made to schools for our services (notably the Kit Club; our lending library of science resources). We’re grateful for in-kind support from the John Innes Centre which includes acting as our host organisation.
TSN relies heavily on volunteers and provides opportunities for post graduate students and postdoctoral scientists across the Norwich Research Park to develop their communication skills and link effectively with local schools.