Combatting Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle
Within the UK, Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) is a significant pest of oilseed rape.
Read about combatting cabbage stem flea beetleDelivering new solutions to promote beneficial interactions and disease/pest resistance in crops of national and global importance.
Up to 30% of the yield of our major global crops is lost each year to pests and disease. If we could prevent these losses, we could save the global economy $540 billion every year.
We aim to investigate the molecular mechanisms which underpin the interactions between plants and pests and diseases, as well as beneficial microbes, to enhance plant immunity, facilitate durable disease control and improve plant health.
Our anticipated long-term impacts are:
Examples of both planned research projects and our impacts can be found below.
Within the UK, Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) is a significant pest of oilseed rape.
Read about combatting cabbage stem flea beetleA 60-month project to help safeguard future research and facilitate sustainable production of UK’s six major food crops
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