Permissive Paths at Church Farm

The John Innes Centre, in consultation with Bawburgh Parish Council, have opened a series of permissive paths on Church Farm. These new walking routes provide a range of different length walks for you to enjoy.
The paths pass through a working farm and research station, and as such we would like to alert walkers to the following points:
When using the paths, we ask you to:
- Keep to the marked paths and stay close to the field boundary
- Keep dogs on leads at all times and clear up after them. A dog waste bin is provided near the Church.
Please note that this is a working farm and research station, meaning that:
- The paths will be used by tractors and other heavy machinery. Please stay alert to your surroundings whilst on the farm, and allow farm vehicles to pass safely
- Fires and barbeques are not permitted anywhere on the property
- Horses, bikes, picnics and games are not permitted
Path closures
The route will be closed in part or in full on some days. This could be when we need to carry out maintenance of the paths, for hedge-cutting or essential farm works and this may happen at any time of the year. Signs will indicate when the path is closed. Please observe the signs and do not access the paths when they are closed. The routes may be altered during some periods if work needs to take place that will disrupt the route.
Contact by e-mail if you would like more information or to report problems with the paths.