Upcoming Friday Seminars
We host a weekly programme of seminars with internationally eminent plant and microbial scientists.
Email jic.fridayseminars@jic.ac.uk to request access.
As soon as they are confirmed we will announce speakers for the next academic term here
- 10 January – Carnivorous pitcher plants as models to study mechanical ecology, leaf surface development and trap evolution with Ulrike Bauer, University of Exeter
- 17 January – Our archaeal origins with Buzz Baum, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- 24 January – TBC with Prof. Pierre-Marc Delaux, CNRS Laboratoire de Recherche en Sciences Végétales
- 31 January – TBC with Dr. Aaron Whiteley, University of Colorado Boulder
- 14 February – Predictive network modelling to engineer enhanced lettuce disease resistance with Prof. Katherine Denby, University of York
- 28 February – TBC with Prof. Rita Tewari, University of Nortingham
- 7 March – TBC with Prof. Rosa Lozano-Duran, University of Tubingen
- 14 March – TBC with Dr. Leena Tripathi, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kenya
- 21 March – TBC with Prof. Thomas Ott, University of Freiburg
- 28 March – TBC with Prof. Giles Oldroyd, University of Cambridge
- 4 April – Scott Moncrieff Lecture: TBC with Prof. Dominique Bergmann, Stanford University