Why are there no Unicorns?
The riddle of the Unicorn remains but at least scientists now have a more rigorous mathematical and experimental framework in which to consider such issues
Read the storyThe riddle of the Unicorn remains but at least scientists now have a more rigorous mathematical and experimental framework in which to consider such issues
Read the storyThe operation of a vital switch for controlling crop productivity has been identified following a 70 year search
Read the storyAll life forms have depended on having a diverse range of genes in order to adapt and survive through the ages
Read the storyRoses flowering at Christmas and snow-free ski resorts this winter suggest that climate change is already with us and our farmers and growers will need ways of adapting
Read the storyNitrogen uptake and metabolism is essential for living cells
Read the storyA team of Norwich scientists has invented a new type of wound dressing - made from peas
Read the storyScientists from the Norwich Research Park have discovered an antibiotic-producing enzyme in oats that could be used in the future to protect major cereal crops from fungal diseases such as “take-all”
Read the storyMany bacteria produce toxins that can threaten human health, however new research into how bacteria secrete these substances is giving clues as to how scientists could harness these processes to produce biopharmaceuticals
Read the storyA team of scientists led by Professor Tony Maxwell have developed a new technique that will help search for new anti-cancer and anti-bacterial drugs more quickly and accurately
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