Flowering powers genetic understanding
New research from the John Innes Centre on how plants adapt their flowering to climate is also helping to unravel some of the mysteries of how genes are controlled
Read the storyNew research from the John Innes Centre on how plants adapt their flowering to climate is also helping to unravel some of the mysteries of how genes are controlled
Read the storyAn antibiotic that binds to a well-established target in a novel and unexpected way could be the inspiration for designing new, more potent antibacterial drugs
Read the storyScientists have shown how plants can protect themselves against genetic damage caused by environmental stresses
Read the storyScientists have uncovered a gene in plants that is responsible for controlling the size of seeds, which could lead to ways of improving crops to help ensure food security in the future
Read the storyTo mark its centenary this year, the John Innes Centre in Norwich has produced a beer to celebrate its ongoing contributions to science and agriculture
Read the storyThe international scientific community has been greatly saddened by the sudden death of Professor Chris Lamb CBE FRS, Director of the John Innes Centre
Read the storyA project to combat a newly emerging disease of barley is being launched, which will pull together the efforts of plant scientists, breeders and industry to prevent this disease establishing and help UK farmers produce barley cost-effectively without additional impact on the environment
Read the storyAn international team of scientists has cracked the problem of pod shatter in brassica crops such as oilseed rape
Read the storyA new gene that provides resistance to a fungal disease responsible for millions of hectares of lost wheat yield has been discovered by scientists from the US and Israel
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