Dr Sam Mugford
Research AssistantWhen two organisms are involved in an arms race for supremacy, evolution operates at a fast pace and generates some fascinating biology.
Sam works in Professor Saskia Hogenhout’s laboratory, exploring the interactions of plants and their sap-sucking aphid pests.
In particular he is investigating how plants respond to attack by aphids, and how the aphids are able to manipulate those responses.
Sam’s previous work has focused on how plants are able to control their metabolism to adapt to diverse environmental conditions.
Selected Publications
Mathers T. C., Wouters R. H. M., Mugford S. T., Swarbreck D., van Oosterhout C., Hogenhout S. A. (2020)Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome
Mathers T. C., Mugford S., Percival-Alwyn L., Chen Y., Kaithakottil G., Swarbreck D., Hogenhout S. A., van Oosterhout C. (2018)Sex-specific changes in the aphid DNA methylation landscape
Mugford S., Barclay E., Drurey C., Findlay K., Hogenhout S. (2016)An Immuno-Suppressive Aphid Saliva Protein Is Delivered into the Cytosol of Plant Mesophyll Cells During Feeding.Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI (29)Publisher's version: 0894-0282