Two Researchers awarded BBSRC Discovery Fellowships

Dr Chris Morgan and Dr Claudio Greco have been awarded three-year BBSRC Discovery Fellowships to take forward their innovative work at the John Innes Centre.
These prestigious awards are made to early-career post-doctoral researchers who are transitioning towards independence and have demonstrated the potential to become future research leaders.
Dr Morgan’s fellowship research, hosted by the lab of Dr Xiaoqi Feng, aims to understand the impact of climate change on plant meiosis.
Dr Greco’s fellowship research, hosted by Professor Barrie Wilkinson and Professor Matt Hutchings, will investigate Escovopsis, a fungal pathogen of the nests of leafcutter ants, as a potential source of new antibiotics.
Professor Mark Buttner, the academic lead for the research fellowship programme at the John Innes Centre said: “I’m delighted that the outstanding potential of Chris and Claudio has been recognised by these awards and look forward to their future development with great interest and expectation.
“The fellowship scheme at the John Innes Centre has helped some outstanding scientists who have gone on to exciting and influential research careers.”
BBSRC fellowships are offered to up to 15 researchers each year with projects encouraged to fit BBSRC’s strategic priorities.
Successful applicants must show that they have potential to become a future research leader, wish to conduct their own independent research within a host lab and wish to gain leadership skills.
The image at the top of the page shows an Arabidopsis arenosa meiotic prophase Chris cell imaged using our super-resolution microscope.