Professor Saskia Hogenhout elected as a member of EMBO

Professor Saskia Hogenhout has been elected as a member of the prestigious European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), joining a community of more than 2,000 members elected by peers in recognition of scientific excellence.
Saskia, a Group Leader at the John Innes Centre, is among 69 distinguished scientists elected from more than 20 countries.
“It is an honour and privilege to join EMBO’s international network of members.” she said. “I’m delighted personally and on behalf of the many talented researchers who have achieved so much for my group over the years at the John Innes Centre.”
Director of the John Innes Centre, Professor Graham Moore said: “I am delighted that EMBO has recognised Saskia’s pioneering work by electing her to its distinguished community of scientists.”
The Hogenhout group, which is part of the Advancing Plant Health strategic programme, aims to understand the mechanisms that drive interactions between plants and insects and the role of microbes in these processes. The group is particularly interested in aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and other sap-feeding insects of the order Hemiptera.
EMBO’s mission is to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information and help build a European research environment where scientists can thrive.
Members can actively participate in EMBO’s initiatives by serving on the organisation’s council, committees, and editorial boards, participating in the evaluation of applications for EMBO funding, acting as mentors to young scientists in our community, and advising on key activities.
This year 60 EMBO Members and nine EMBO Associate Members have been elected, with 35 women (51%) and 34 men (49%) elected in 2023.
The Organisation will formally welcome new members at the annual meeting in Heidelberg, Germany, in October.
Previous John Innes Centre researchers who have been honoured by EMBO include Professor Sarah O’Connor in 2017 and Professor Anne Osbourn in 2022.
This accolade is the latest in a distinguished career: Saskia who was elected a fellow of the Americal Phytopathalogical Society in 2021 and is a former recipient of the British Society of Plant Pathologists RKS Wood prize.