Mini-fellowships launched to inspire transformation in Ethiopian agricultural research

The John Innes Centre this week helped to launch a new initiative to build networks with women agricultural researchers across Ethiopia.
The initiative is a partnership with African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) and the Roslin Research Institute.
The aim is to develop mentoring networks and build the leadership and scientific skills of women agricultural scientists at EIAR by launching a mini-version of AWARD’s Fellowship programme.
The pilot initiative, which will run for eight months, will support 20 women fellows, 20 male and female mentors and 20 junior women fellows.
The John Innes Centre and the Roslin Research Institute, University of Edinburgh, will provide the Advanced Science Training component of the mini-Fellowships.
This will help develop the Fellows’ scientific skills by introducing them to the latest advances by experienced agricultural scientists in world-leading research institutions.
The mini-AWARD Fellowship was launched (Monday February 25) with a mentoring orientation workshop for Award-EIAR fellows in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Dr Tilly Eldridge of the John Innes Centre who joined the launch workshop said: “The workshop trainer’s opening line was, ‘Who wants to be part of transforming Africa?’ and it feels an honour to play a small role in this transformation by helping young researchers build their networks towards achieving this goal.”