John Innes Centre welcomes third AWARD fellow, Veronica Guwela

The John Innes Centre is pleased to welcome Veronica Guwela from the University of Malawi, for a three-month placement as part of her AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development) fellowship.
Ms Guwela will commence her work at the John Innes Centre on the 6 February and will be hosted by Professor Wendy Harwood and Dr Cristobal Uauy.
Veronica is the third AWARD Fellow to undertake her advanced science placement in the UK. Dr Angela Eni from the Covenant University in Nigeria, and Dr Rose Kigathi from Pwani University, Kenya, each undertook their placement at the John Innes Centre, with Dr Kigathi due to finish her placement with Dr Diane Saunders later this year.
Veronica trained as a plant breeder using conventional breeding techniques and working with crops such as cassava. She is now planning to study for her PhD working on cereal crops and is keen to gain practical experience using molecular breeding tools including marker assisted breeding and crop genetic modification techniques. Veronica is interested in breeding for disease resistance and for drought tolerance in cereal crops.