ELSA Workshop; Plant-Microbe interactions

We’re pleased to announce an ELSA Workshop on Plant-Microbe Interactions on Thursday 24 October at the John Innes Centre Conference Centre.
We aim to get together PIs and Early Career Researchers from across the Norwich Research Park for a day of scientific talks, posters, networking and discussions centred around this topic.
Confirmed speakers to date include:
- Jake Malone
- Paul Nicholson
- Anne Osbourn
- Diane Saunders
- Juan Carlos De la Concepcion
- Andy Truman
- Nick Talbot (TSL)
- Matt Hutchings (UEA)
- Andrew Crombie (UEA)
- Kathrin Wippel (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research)
We invite you to attend the workshop, network and make some interesting new scientific connections.
There will also be opportunities for Early Career Researchers to present their recent research findings through short talks and posters.