Cell-cycle-linked growth reprogramming encodes developmental time into leaf morphogenesis.
How is time encoded into organ growth and morphogenesis? We address this question by investigating heteroblasty, where leaf development and form are modified with progressing plant age. By combining morphometric analyses, fate-mapping through live-imaging, computational analyses, and genetics, we identify age-dependent changes in cell-cycle-associated growth and histogenesis that underpin leaf heteroblasty. We show that in juvenile leaves, cell proliferation competence is rapidly released in a “proliferation burst” coupled with fast growth, whereas in adult leaves, proliferative growth is sustained for longer and at a slower rate. These effects are mediated by the SPL9 transcription factor in response to inputs from both shoot age and individual leaf maturation along the proximodistal axis. SPL9 acts by activating CyclinD3 family genes, which are sufficient to bypass the requirement for SPL9 in the control of leaf shape and in heteroblastic reprogramming of cellular growth. In conclusion, we have identified a mechanism that bridges across cell, tissue, and whole-organism scales by linking cell-cycle-associated growth control to age-dependent changes in organ geometry.