A population genomics approach to unlock the genetic potential of lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), an underutilized tropical forage crop.

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Lablab is one of the conventionally grown multi-purpose crops that originated in Africa. It is an annual or short-lived perennial forage legume which has versatile uses (as a vegetable and dry seeds, as food or feed, or as green manure) but is yet to receive adequate research attention and hence remains underexploited. To develop new and highly productive lablab varieties, using genomics-assisted selection, the present study aimed to identify quantitative trait loci associated with agronomically important traits in lablab and to assess the stability of these traits across two different agro-ecologies in Ethiopia. Here, we resequenced one hundred and forty-two lablab accessions, utilised whole genome genotyping approaches, and conducted multi-locational phenotyping over two years.