Aquatic Foods for Nourishing People and Planet

The 2022 John Innes Foundation Lecture for the Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development is on the topic of aquatic food systems given by 2021 World Food Prize winner, Dr Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health of WorldFish.


With nine harvest seasons left before 2030, we are still far from attaining the targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in addressing Zero Hunger and Life under water.

Dialogues on food systems transformation are acknowledging the role and potential of aquatic foods in addressing food and nutrition security, and is reflected in design of innovations, solutions and action plans globally.

This presentation draws upon Dr Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted’s experience of aquatic food innovations implemented in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, and the potential to adopt, adapt and scale up these innovations to meet food and nutrition security challenges; improve livelihoods and social equity; while leaving no one behind.

About the Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development

Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development is a cross-Norwich Research Park collaboration focusing on food security and sustainability funded by the John Innes Foundation.

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