CCP4-BCA Protein Crystallography Summer School 2024



The CCP4-BCA Protein Crystallography Summer School is intended to provide students and researchers with a comprehensive introduction to macromolecular X-ray crystallography and is a fully residential course.



1st – 6th Sept 2024 inclusive



John Innes Centre, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK



The CCP4-BCA Protein Crystallography Summer School is intended for students and researchers relatively new to crystallography. Its dual aims are to provide comprehensive training in crystallography and to promote best practise. The lectures will cover the range of techniques required for a protein structure solution, from protein expression through to structure validation. Intensively supervised computer tutorials will enable students to relate the theory presented in the lectures to practice. There will also be a crystal manipulation and cryo-cooling workshop.

The school will begin with a welcome event on the evening of Sunday 1st September and finish on the evening of Friday 6th September, with the students departing the following morning.

There will be ample opportunities for the students to interact with each other and the tutors, plus a number of social events, and a dinner with the guest speaker. Students will also be able to bring their own data to work on with the assistance of the various tutors.


Key dates

Applications open: 13th May 2024

Applications deadline: 24th June 2024

Supervisor references deadline: 1st July 2024

Application outcomes announced by: 8th July 2024

Payment deadline: 22nd July 2024



The full schedule for the event is accessible here



David Aragao (Diamond Light Source)

Paul Bond (University of York)

Sofia Caria (Evotec Ltd, Abingdon)

Lucrezia Catapano (MRC-LMB, Cambridge)

Kathryn Cowtan (University of York)

Genevieve Evans (EBI, Hinxton)

Elspeth Garman (University of Oxford)

David Lawson (John Innes Centre, Norwich)

Ed Lowe (University of Oxford)

Airlie McCoy (University of Cambridge)

Julia Mundy (John Innes Centre)

Rob Nicholls (MRC-LMB, Cambridge)

Simon Tanley (Calibre Scientific, Sheffield)

Melanie Vollmar (EBI, Hinxton)

David Waterman (STFC, Harwell)


Guest speaker

Jan Löwe (MRC-LMB, Cambridge)



En-suite accommodation for the duration of the School has been arranged in Nelson Court at the adjacent University of East Anglia, which is a short walk from the John Innes Centre.



The course is open to postgraduate students (2023 entry or before), postdocs and technical staff from both academia and industry. Priority is given to UK applicants because of the funding arrangements, but the School is open to a limited number of overseas applicants. The course will be restricted to 23 students.

All applicants will require a letter of support from their supervisor.



Registration fees for attendees are kept well below cost price thanks to a substantial grant from CCP4 and generous donations from our other sponsors.

Successful applicants holding a BBSRC-funded PhD studentship will have their registration fee covered by the BBSRC.

The cost of the school, including full board, will be 250 GBP for academic applicants and 400 GBP for industrial applicants (includes VAT), although attendees will be expected to cover the cost of any transport whilst in Norwich.


Childcare and travel grants

We can offer a limited number of small grants to offset travel costs and/or additional childcare costs incurred as a result of attending the course (eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver).

Please indicate on the application form if you wish to be considered for one or both of these.

If accepted on the course, you will need to provide adequate justification for your request, together with an estimate of your costs.



Given the anticipated popularity of the course, it is unlikely that we will accept more than one student from the same institution.

You should confirm in advance that the person you nominate as your referee will support your application, because your referee will be sent an email automatically on submission of your application.

We will allocate places on the grounds of merit and anticipated benefit to the student.

Accepted students will be required to confirm they will attend the whole course (no late arrivals or early departures).

Please complete this form:


Privacy Policy

All applications will be handled securely in line with our privacy policy:


Equity and Inclusion

The organisers are committed to making the school productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality or religion/belief.

Our full statement, including the Code of Conduct, can be found on






Myfanwy Adams

Dave Lawson

Julia Mundy

Sarah Tolland

Naomi Wang



CCP4 (



Dectris Ltd (

Hampton Research Corp (

Calibre Scientific (

Mitegen (